Quality policy

Integrated management policy

Ecomanagement Technology (Ecomt) whose activity covers “Implementation of software solutions and associated services for the control of facilities and processes locally and remotely”. Ecomt is aware of the importance of the meaning of quality, the environment and energy, in the current and future environment, as essential factors to achieve business success, achieve customer satisfaction, and integrate values of respect for the environment. and energy performance in the exercise of their activity.

Due to its commitment to quality and sustainable environmental and energy development, Ecomt has an integrated quality, environment and energy management system that adapts to its processes, activities and services, complying with the requirements established in ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 50001.

This Policy is established in order to guide the management of the organization, said orientation is reflected in the following guidelines:

  • Client Orientation: Ecomt’s clients are our reason for being. Ecomt seeks to achieve total customer satisfaction through the fulfillment of our service, knowing the customer’s expectations, listening to them and involving them from the beginning in determining the quality that satisfies them, making our organization and our human and technical resources available to them. It is our objective to ensure the satisfaction of our customers, including the parties interested in the results of the company, in everything related to the performance of our activities and their impact on society.
  • Innovation: Ecomt is committed to maintaining at all times a high level of innovation in the development and provision of its services within the framework of a permanent system of continuous improvement, in such a way that customer satisfaction increases and environmental and energy impacts decrease as much as possible.
  • Training: Ecomt pays special attention to the training of its workers. We consider it essential to motivate and train all the personnel who work in the organization, both for the correct performance of their job and to act in accordance with the requirements imposed by the reference Standards, providing an adequate environment for the operation of the processes.
  • Documentation: To maintain the maximum level of efficiency in our processes, it is necessary to systematize any activities that are carried out. These activities are described in approved procedures, it is necessary to ensure the recording of the information that comes from monitoring and measurement, as well as the analysis of data from the processes. This systematization aims to prevent the appearance of problems caused by non-compliance with the controlled specifications, by defects in the provision of the service, keeping our client permanently informed of those non-conformities that concern them and also ensuring effective communication between the different Interested parties.
  • Context and interested parties: Ecomt is committed to understanding the context of the organization and determining its opportunities and risks as a basis for planning actions to address, assume or treat them. As well as to determine the internal and external Interested parties that are relevant to the quality management system and meet their requirements.
  • Commitment: Ecomt is committed to complying with legal and regulatory requirements, as well as those of the client as the basis of good service and efficient protection of the integrity and health of people, facilities, the environment and energy consumption and efficiency. The availability of information and the necessary resources will be ensured in order to achieve the objectives set at all times and improve the results of the company’s quality, environment and energy management.

Participation and Competition and leadership by senior management as a commitment to develop the Quality Management system. Within our organization, Ecomt’s human team is essential and their personal satisfaction is a highly relevant factor that must be considered as a way to satisfy the client. Promoting a participative environment among employees by adapting workload to people, facilitating teamwork, individual recognition and suggestions for improvement. All personnel belonging to Ecomt are responsible for monitoring and compliance with those procedures and Instructions that affect them, and must assume an awareness of continuous improvement, which helps to minimize errors, providing solutions that contribute to giving satisfactory responses to problems or situations that may arise. The participation of all personnel is essential to achieve the objectives established in Ecomt. Environmental behavior and energy efficiency: The rationalization, as far as possible, of the consumption of natural and energy resources, as well as the minimization of waste, emissions, noise and disturbances constitutes an Integral part of Ecomt’s objectives and strategies. Likewise, we are committed to Identify, assess and control environmental aspects, especially those that are significant, trying to achieve continuous environmental improvement, help fighting climate change and prevent pollution.

We also support the purchase of energy efficient products and services and the design that improves energy performance. Measurement and monitoring of parameters. The acquisition of information from the facilities in a safe and reliable way is one of the company’s commitments and one of the basic pillars on which the company’s business is based, by working with monitoring and remote control systems natively.

Ecomt’s Management will permanently evaluate the application and effectiveness of this Integrated Management Policy, guaranteeing, when necessary, the evolution and improvement of our Integrated Management System in order to achieve and review the objectives and goals set and also guaranteeing a continuous analysis of all relevant processes, establishing the pertinent improvements in each case, based on the results obtained.

The Management is committed to the continuous maintenance of the integrated management system to guarantee its adaptation to this policy, making its principles known to all personnel and making it available to clients, as well as to any Interested party.


September 2018 (v2)

Ecomanagement Technology, S.L cuenta con el apoyo del CDTI y con la cofinanciación del fondo europeo FEDER.