Lupa Engie and EcoMT awarded by Enertic for their eco-efficient supermarkets

Supermarkets Lupa, part of the Semark group, have received an award from the Enertic Awards 2021 in the Smart Energy category for the eco-efficient supermarket project, which reduces energy consumption and CO₂ emissions through the application of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies and data analysis.

The technological solution has been implemented by Engie Spain and it is based on EcoMT’s OTEA technology.

This new supermarket model, which started in 2020, seeks to optimize the consumption and emissions of each establishment through the connection and remote control of equipment and the digitization of management.

OTEA, the IoT platform developed by EcoMT, centralizes and individually controls each supermarket so that it measures and manages energy efficiently and, therefore, more sustainably.

The EcoMT team has developed control algorithms applied to lighting, air conditioning and refrigeration, adapted to the operation of each establishment.

In addition, it has incorporated predictive maintenance systems with IoT sensors that, for example, detect possible refrigerant gas leaks and prevent merchandise from being damaged.

Thanks to the advantages of OTEA’s “cloud computing”, the system is capable of extracting and reporting information in real time, which allows it to take action to reduce consumption and facilitate operation and maintenance.

Since the establishment of eco-efficient supermarkets, Lupa has reduced its CO₂ emissions and energy consumption. In 2020 alone, more than 2,600,000 kWh of electrical energy were saved and emissions into the atmosphere worth more than 640 tCO₂e were avoided.

The digitization of supermarkets through OTEA transformed the energy monitoring management model by using machine learning and laying the foundations to implement improvements based on blockchain technologies and artificial intelligence.



EcoMT designs and implements IoT solutions with a clear objective: to help companies find a balance between economic tranquillity, the well-being of their team and respect for the environment.

Companies of all kinds, from retail to shipping companies, improve their energy efficiency and the management of their facilities and equipment with our technology.

Since it started in 2010, it has digitized more than 7,000 facilities, with more than 150,000 connected machines, equipment and sensors, spread over more than 50 countries. Through algorithms and artificial intelligence and data analytics systems, it has helped dozens of companies reduce their carbon emissions and transform the model of energy management and the operation and maintenance of their facilities.

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